Main Functions: 1. Sperm?average speed of curvilinear motion 2. Sperm?averag point to point speed 3. Sperm?averag speed of route motion 4. Velocity distribution of the sperms 5. ***ecting the total number of the sperms 6. ***ecting the total number of motile sperms 7. Precentage of sperm’s density 8. Fraction surviving of the sperms 9. Side-away amplitude of sperms 10. The total number of straight-line-motion sperms 11. Motility rate of straight-line-motion sperms 12. Number of fast-speed straight-line-motion sperms 13. Whipping frequency of sperms?motion 14. Sperms?average parallel motion angle 15. Sperms?oscillation 16. Sperms?forwardness 17. Sperms’linear quality 18. Number of ***ected sperms 19. Percentage of deformity 20. Listing of the speed of ***ected sperms 21. Classified listing of sperms?mobility 22. Pathologic diagnostic diagram 23. Number of white blood cells 24. Number of red blood corpuscles 25. Time used for ***ecting 26. Being able to objectively display and print primary motion path graph of sperms?
27. Being able to automatically mark out the direction of sperm motion 28. Being able to independently diagnose and process pathologic images 29. Being able to independently carry out semen analysis of livestock and endangered animal, and artificial insemination 30. Measuring liquefying time 31. ***ecting temperature 32. ***ecting dilution degree 33. ***ecting viscosity 34. Number of red corpuscles 35. PH value 36. Smell 37. Key sperm 38. Forward –moving sperm 39. Dilution degree